Press information News

From now on the decisions on actions of the administrator in insolvency proceedings and actions of the supervisory person of legal protection proceedings in legal protection proceedings made by The Insolvency Control Service, as well as the decisions made by  the Disciplinary Commission will be publicly available in an anonymised form.

The purpose of making the decisions publicly available is to inform the society about the current practice of supervision in the field of insolvency, to promote common understanding and practice in the application of laws regulating the insolvency sector and to promote transparency regarding the actions of insolvency administrators and the Insolvency Control Service.

Decisions made as from 1 May 2024 will be published. The anonymised decision and information about it will be published by the Insolvency Control Service within one month after the relevant decision has become non-appealable. The information made public will be available for two years from the date of publishing it.

The anonymised decisions will be available on the website of the Insolvency Control Service under the section "Insolvency" under the sub-section "Anonymised decisions". The publication will contain information on the date of adoption of the decision, the status of the decision (entered into force) and information on the appealing procedure in court (information on whether the decision has been  revoked fully or partly).

The decisions will be available only in latvian.